The bulk of the of the main work for this season is now finished, the shower block has gone down a storm, the new site for the reception and bar is looking really nice, with lots of new plants to pretty the place up with lovely splashes of colour. We're seeing. a lot more of these car tents this year which are really great, We like seeing new ideas on the site. keep checking out the blog every month to see what's going on at Prattshayes Campsite.

Well it's been a long time coming but we've got the sun, and it's brought out the campers in their droves, I'm happy to say! The feedback from the new shower block has been really positive after a few initial glitches, as with all new things! The new positioning of the bar/shop/reception has made a lovely garden for our guests to enjoy an afternoon beverage in the sunshine. Look forward to seeing you in the garden for a cold one when you can make it. ;-)

It's been a challenge doing the blog at Prattshayes Campsite during these difficult times, but we finally think we've turned the corner with a number of sunny days on the trot and no rain! The rain has been unbelievable and has caused unprecedented problems for us, with us having to close all our grass pitches and only able to operate with ten hardstanding pitches since the start of the season. The new shower block which we are so excited about, also suffered hold ups due to the ground being too wet to move it into place for weeks, however, I'm so happy to report that it's in situ, plumbed in, electric working and just the last snagging jobs to complete and we'll be able to open them, can't tell you how happy we all are at that prospect. The changes to the site are exciting for us but there's still a lot of landscaping etc to do before it looks at it's best, but we're working hard to make it as good as we can. Look forward to seeing you all and hearing your views.

There have been some major works going on at Prattshayes Campsite this winter! The new shower block is now in situ and the plumbing and decking are getting underway, so all should be ready for our full opening, which is hopefully coming soon. The weather has been very unkind to us so far this year, which has hindered work that we would hope to have completed by now, but we are all beavering away to get back. on track. The Cabin has been moved to its new position and there's lots of landscaping and baskets to get done, so work is really going apace now1 We look forward to seeing all our returning guests and lots of new ones this season, so do come along when we're open and see all the changes.

We are really blessed to live and work in Devon, such a great part of the UK. On Prattshayes Campsite we have a great number of birds and wildlife around the place and we love watching their antics. We have a resident seagull, Steven, and as much as seagulls can be a real nuisance around areas with food about, he has the intelligence to have made us his home and spends his time scavenging for anything he can get his beak on! Campers be aware! Don't leave food lying around your pitch area or Steven will make a meal of it. We also have five resident guinea fowl, raised by our warden and his wonderful wife, the birds spend their days wandering around the site or charging about depending on their frame of mind. They are adorable to watch and although wild, they seem to have adapted pretty well to being here. We don't like to see them chased or harassed, we like you just to enjoy watching their antics and listening to them chat to one another. They are very close as a group and never like to be too far apart. There are also many small birds who nest in our fabulous hedges and are fed by the same wonderful woman who looks after the guinea fowl. We hope you really love the site when you visit us, and enjoy all the wonderful wild life.

So, summer has come early and we are absolutely delighted! The site is looking amazing and our campers are loving it! All our flowers, baskets and hedges are green, luscious and colourful The beers cold, the ice creams are keeping everyone cool and we are excited to have a great season here at Prattshayes Campsite. We love it here <3
Prattshayes Campsite is well underway with preparations for the new season of 2023. Although the rain has been pretty relentless at times, at least it's really helped all the grass seed to flourish. to replace what was lost in the hot, dry summer of 2022. The flower troughs are being planted, so by the time the season is underway they'll be blooming marvellously! Prattshayes has also welcomed some new guinea fowl to the site, five of these delightful birds are making their home with us, which is a wonderful addition to the campsite. The bar is being restocked ready for you thirsty campers, the shop will be ready with essentials in case you forget something and we have chocks and electric hook ups for rental if you should require them. We are really looking forward to welcome back old friends and to make new ones for the years ahead. Come and see us soon!